Below are my personal possessions I use and bring with me most of the time when I am traveling. It helps me in so many ways and made my trip easier. These are my personal opinion based on usage and it's benefits.
When I travel, I don't normally bring my laptop, so basically iPhone is very helpful to check my mails, facebook messages and checkout some maps. I'll just look for a coffee shop, a bar or most hostels nowadays, they have wi-fi connection for free. Also, while waiting for my flight or the next bus, I can just plug a pair of earbuds and listen to some songs in it then im good to go.
Portable Stereo Speaker
These pair of speakers are amazing! I found this while surfing in youtube a year ago and bought online. It works very well with iphone and ipod touch. It has a crisp, strong sound and ultra portable--- I always bring this with me in the beach, bathroom or bedside table in hostels. Charging is so easy and battery life is superb--fully charged will last up to 3 days.Guidebooks
For me, guidebooks are essential in my travels. It teaches me how to read a map, finding cheap hostels, local bus station, do's and don'ts and the most important thing is, experiencing great but cheap local foods! With guidebooks, it will save your time and save you from hassles. It made my travel a lot easier!
Microfiber Travel Towel
Last garment you will stuff in your backpack is your wet towel right? This towel is pretty useful to have because it dries quickly and very thin and light. It doesn't consume a lot of space in the backpack. It comes with a small bag and very very handy.
Wallet with Neck Strap
Apart from keeping your money in this wallet, you can also put your passport in it. Walking in crowded places or downtown area while traveling is not really safe especially if you put your money on your back pocket of your jeans. Always bring your passport with you and never ever leave it in hotel or hostels. During my travels, I always move around and there are few cases police do some random checks. Safety-wise, this kind of wallet is a must-have during travel.
A cheap wristwatch but helped me a lot in some ways. It comes with alarm and easy to set-up. It helps me a lot especially when I have to wake up early to catch a plane or a bus.
Ear Buds with Noise Isolation
I always bring this with me wherever I go. I can always plug this in my iPhone whether I'm in the airport, bus stations, coffee shops or walking the streets. Noise isolation is helpful especially if someone's beside you in bus or plane or to mask a noisy environment. A big help also if you have a nagging girlfriend ☺
Digital Camera
I sold my Canon EOS 450d and bought a point and shoot cam Canon IXUS 200IS for my Jordan trip. This camera is impressive! It's a touch screen cam and has wide angle lens. During my trip, I was surprised how this camera works and oh, did I mention that this can record an HD video?